Tag Archives: Buy a Business
Investment in Allied Health Education Company
I am excited to announce that my investment fund, Greybull Stewardship, has acquired an education company that helps health professionals maintain their licenses and certifications. The company, Summit Professional Education (www.summit-education.com), offers seminars each year for over 75,000 physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, K-12… Continue reading →
Warren Buffett’s Strategy, Selling Your Business, and Other Topics in Podcast Interview
I was interviewed recently by a very good business broker, Jim Cumbee of the Tennessee Valley Group. I have gotten to know Jim this year as we worked on a transaction and we had a fun discussion about several topics including: Lessons learned about selling… Continue reading →
9 Lessons Learned About Selling A Business
When selling your business, it pays to learn lessons from others. Most business owners will not get a second chance to do it well, and it is such an important process for your employees, your customers, and your own bank account that you want to… Continue reading →
Quality of Earnings in Due Diligence: What You Need to Know
As many sellers do not sell businesses frequently, I like to write about various parts of the transaction process that may be helpful for sellers to understand. One of the most important steps is when a buyer performs a “Quality of Earnings” review of… Continue reading →
Nine Secrets for Avoiding Failed Business Acquisitions
Failed businesses always have both myth and logic around the reasons for their failure. This is even more true for a failed business acquisition because there are the elements of the transaction added onto the elements of the business itself. The reality is always complicated,… Continue reading →
6 Pitfalls Between Letter of Intent and Closing the Deal
When selling your business, it is so much work to find the right buyer and to get to a letter of intent. That may feel like the hard part. It is not. It is just as hard to manage everything that comes next and get… Continue reading →
Path of Equity Value Creation Not Easy to Plan or Pace (see Disney)
Equity value creation, in my experience, does not follow a smooth, straight path or a predictable timeline. It zigs and zags, stalls and spurts. Therefore, forcing a company into a certain path of possibilities or tight timetable is often counter-productive. I have found it to… Continue reading →
Business Buyers According to Warren Buffett: Competitors, Flippers, or Berkshire Hathaway!
Whether to sell a business or accept outside equity capital is a high stakes decision for business owners. Trade-offs are natural and necessary — we instinctively know that we cannot achieve every objective in every decision. It is pretty easy to categorize the business buyers… Continue reading →
Buying a Business: Raise Money for the Search or Not?
Search Funds Last week I had a nice conversation with a mid-career person looking to buy a business. He was contemplating using the “search fund” model to find and buy a business. As a brief background, a search fund is a model where an entrepreneur… Continue reading →
Chart of Most Profitable Industries — Increase Your Odds of Business Success
Profitability Differences Building a business is a lot of work. Thus, it makes sense to build your business in an industry where the fundamental dynamics are a little more in your favor. Or, evolve your business to improve its fundamental characteristics by studying the best.… Continue reading →