Posts written by Mason Myers
Art of Balance — the Key to Business & Management Success
Balance is key to success, particularly for business owners and leaders who think about an entire organization. This means: a) the ability to decide where and when to focus on multiple continuums, b) the ability to execute those decisions, and c) the ability to know when to reassess (a… Continue reading
Founder & VC Misalignment More Often Than Thought
The misalignment between vc’s and founders is painfully obvious from the quotes below from the IPO S-1 filing of Applied Medical Corp. (Dan Primack of Fortune did the reporting and should get the credit). First is the company stating why they are going public (bold emphasis mine). … Continue reading
Golden Age of Productivity Tools for Business — a Good Investment
Productivity tools are expanding at an incredible pace all around us. These tools are particularly relevant for smaller business owners to understand and a good investment of time and money. This struck me while being told a story a few months ago by the proprietor of Borsheim’s… Continue reading
Kissing a Lot of Frogs: Smaller Companies Must Work to Find Investment Financing
Competitive advantages can both increase and decrease as a business gets larger. One thing that gets easier for larger companies is attracting business investment and financing. The chart below from John Paglia at the Pepperdine Business School demonstrates the shortage in capital and investment sources… Continue reading
You Are What You Eat (or Where You Get Your Investment)
“Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are,” said French lawyer and epicure Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. Similarly, tell me where you got the investment for your business and I will tell you what is in store for your business. Each… Continue reading
Great Business Leader I Know — Roger Williams At A Non-Profit
A story well told. An organization well led. For me, these are two of the most inspirational things in life. I found a wonderful leader in an organization I never would have expected to find such a person, a national accrediting agency for vocational and… Continue reading
Rich vs King? Spoils Go To Business Owners Who Delegate & Share
As is often said around Silicon Valley, “Would you rather be rich or be king?” I think the rich vs king question is too crass and is aimed narrowly at convincing a founder to bring in senior management to manage a growing enterprise. However, I… Continue reading
Business Management So You Can Surf
I love the story that the founder of Patagonia, Yvon Choinard, built Patagonia in a way that he could leave at any moment to surf. He said that surfing was the best thing that ever happened to him because it motivated him to create systems… Continue reading
Anti-Shark Culture as Strategy at Harvard Business School
Few organizations are as effective at establishing a culture as the Harvard Business School — and it is very deliberate, intentional, and no accident. I am back at Harvard Business School today and being here reminds me of the strategy and hard work the school… Continue reading