Tag Archives: Coca Cola
Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting Notes for 2014
For those you have not attended a Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting, picture this scene at the 2014 meeting. A stadium is filled to its capacity of 30,000 people with another 8,000 in overflow rooms at the adjacent conference center and hotel. For nearly six hours,… Continue reading
50th Post Since April — How am I doing?
Today’s post marks my 50th blog post since I began the blog on April 22, 2012. To me, it feels good to be writing posts and I hope it is helpful to some business owners and investors out there. To make sure it is helpful,… Continue reading
Economies of Scale — Fundamentals Through Graphics
The Experience Curve Revisiting fundamental business concepts is helpful. Old concepts often have new meaning when viewed after new experiences. Or, as we say at the school where I am a co-owner, “See it with today’s eyes and hear it with today’s ears.” One important,… Continue reading
Business Financial Models – Coca-Cola vs. Wine
As the next post in the series on a Perfect Business, Financially Speaking, I think an anecdote told by Donald Keough in his book “The Ten Commandments of Business Failure” conveys the advantages of having a good business financial model versus the alternative. Mr. Keough… Continue reading