Category: Culture Is Strategic
Great Business Leader I Know — Roger Williams At A Non-Profit
A story well told. An organization well led. For me, these are two of the most inspirational things in life. I found a wonderful leader in an organization I never would have expected to find such a person, a national accrediting agency for vocational and… Continue reading
Anti-Shark Culture as Strategy at Harvard Business School
Few organizations are as effective at establishing a culture as the Harvard Business School — and it is very deliberate, intentional, and no accident. I am back at Harvard Business School today and being here reminds me of the strategy and hard work the school… Continue reading
Company Culture Key to Growing A Business
Every day in a small business I know, 100,000 interactions happen among employees, customers, and external parties — the only way I know to align all of those interactions is through a strong company culture. So, company culture is key to growing a business and… Continue reading
Learning Business Lessons: Business as a Dojo Space
Business Lessons Life and business lessons can be gleaned from all directions when managing and owning a business. This idea was captured for me when a long-time employee of the National Holistic Institute said, “NHI is everybody’s dojo — or a space where we learn… Continue reading
Congratulations to Appointment Plus, National Holistic Institute, & Main Street Gourmet for Recent Awards
A Rewarding Week: The last week has been a big one for awards at companies affiliated with my investment partnership, Greybull Stewardship. We are focused on investing in existing businesses with $1 to $3 million in net income that want a stable co-owner (minority or… Continue reading
How much of a competitive advantage is employee longevity?
Labor Day Weekend Reading: On this Labor Day weekend, I read two articles that prompted me to think about employee longevity and how much of a competitive advantage it may be. Interestingly, both were articles about Berkshire Hathaway companies, See’s Candies in Fortune and the Nebraska Furniture Mart… Continue reading
Enemies of Effective Company Cultures — Ideas from James Heskett
Effective Company Cultures are Vital Building effective company cultures are vital, particularly in success over a long-term and in the creation of longstanding, defensible moats of competitive advantage. I enjoy writing about company cultures because they are so important to a company’s success, but also… Continue reading
Is It Better to Make Employees Fit Roles or Roles Fit Employees?
Employee Role Playing Over a grill this past weekend, a debate arose among friends about whether it is better to help employees change to fit the role you envision for them, or change their role to fit their strengths. The VP of Sales in a… Continue reading
Company Culture a Superman-Strong Competitive Advantage
In a very difficult environment for small vocational schools recently, the National Holistic Institute, one of the best massage schools in the country where I am a co-owner, is surviving and thriving. A key reason behind the organization’s success is its unique, palpable company culture… Continue reading