Category: Business Financing & Funding

To Sell Your Business or Not To Sell Your Business — That is the Question (a series)

Should you sell your business? This is one of the most difficult questions and there is no one right answer. I have been asked this question so many times and it is the most difficult to answer. To provide some assistance on the question, however,… Continue reading

C Corporation Business Owners are at Risk of Losing Millions

I lost huge money early in my career in not electing to switch my company from a Corporation to an S Corporation.  I don’t want you to make the same mistake.  Each year, the owners of C Corporations have an opportunity to switch their tax… Continue reading

Tax-Free Entities Supported by Greybull Stewardship

Are you still paying two-levels of tax on the income from your business? If your company is a profitable, cash-generating business, it is a large advantage to be organized as a flow-through entity for tax purposes (S Corporation or Limited Liability Company). As most of… Continue reading