Category: Balance

Art of Balance — the Key to Business & Management Success

Balance is key to success, particularly for business owners and leaders who think about an entire organization.  This means: a) the ability to decide where and when to focus on multiple continuums, b) the ability to execute those decisions, and c) the ability to know when to reassess (a… Continue reading

Learning Business Lessons: Business as a Dojo Space

Business Lessons Life and business lessons can be gleaned from all directions when managing and owning a business.  This idea was captured for me when a long-time employee of the National Holistic Institute said, “NHI is everybody’s dojo — or a space where we learn… Continue reading

Keep Pedaling When You Most Want to Coast

When cycling to the top of a big hill, it is tempting to coast down the other side.  However, I have found that in business it is important to keep pedaling when you most feel like coasting.  It is often those investments made in a… Continue reading

To Increase Your Personal and Business Prosperity: Exchange More

A Business and Personal Prosperity Secret? What is the secret to creating value in the world for yourself and others?  Exchange is the best and shortest answer I would give today.  Exchange, or the act of giving one thing and receiving another in return, creates prosperity. … Continue reading

Is It Better to Make Employees Fit Roles or Roles Fit Employees?

Employee Role Playing Over a grill this past weekend, a debate arose among friends about whether it is better to help employees change to fit the role you envision for them, or change their role to fit their strengths.  The VP of Sales in a… Continue reading

Nature and the Great Outdoors: Important Aid to Business Owners

A Productivity “Exercise” for Business Owners A walk in nature is the most productive activity I do.  It is so easy to forget this and forge ahead with work indoors, but each time I hike or walk (most often through the Marin Headlands or Mt… Continue reading

Competitive Advantage, Company Culture, and Simon Sinek

Competitive Advantage as Company Culture A powerful competitive advantage, even though it is intangible, can be built through a unique company culture.  I have seen it in action, and it is powerful.  It works particularly well today because many people prefer to work at a company and make purchases… Continue reading

Survival of the Social-Collaboratist

Group social skills have conquered the earth (and will continue), said 82-year old Harvard professor Edward O. Wilson a few days ago at a talk I attended through the Long Now Foundation. This idea prompts me to think about several implications for businesses and other… Continue reading

Make Business Variability Your Friend

Life, nature and business are variable. They rarely travel in straight lines. They are organic. They move up, down, and sideways often on timeframes that you cannot predict or control. Trying to control, manipulate and insulate yourself from these movements can be frustrating and usually… Continue reading